Referrals, fees & rebates

Jess Sutton, Kathleen Mckinnon and Dr Amy Bloxham are registered providers with Medicare. 

In order to claim a rebate under the Better Access Initiative (Medicare) you will need to ascertain a  referral from your General Practitioner (GP). If you meet criteria your GP will complete a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) under the Better Access Initiative. You can currently access up to ten Psychology sessions in one calendar year. 

A report is required to be completed and provided to your GP at session six and ten. 

In order to claim the Medicare rebate for your sessions you will need to bring a copy of your MHCP or doctors referral to your first appointment. If you are unable to provide your referral, you will be required to pay the full fee for the session.

Private Health: If you are not claiming under Medicare and have a private health fund you can submit your therapy receipts to your provider.


Psychology consultation fee.

50 minute session will range from $220 - $230 depending on clinician.

The full fee will be collected at the time of your appointment. 

Payments are via cash or eftpos, Visa or MasterCard.